Have you ever been criticized? Have you been told that you would never accomplish anything? If you weren't told by someone's voice, you could feel it emitting from their judgmental spirit or maybe the way they looked at you. Were you bullied in school? Are you intimidated now? Did you have to hang out with the "unpopular" group because you weren't cool enough to hang out with the self-proclaimed"cool" people? Today, you are an adult with a load of toxic memories that haunt you especially when you see certain people in public but the "elephant in the room" is never discussed but quietly left under the rug. When you see them they do one of two things, go down the isle your not on or stop and talk as if nothing ever happened....THEY WERE WRONG then and THEY ARE WRONG now!!!! You can be or do anything God has purposed for you. There should be a dream deep down in your Spirit that God placed there many years ago but because of what "they" said and say, you keep your future repressed. You take it out and look at it, dream about it occasionally but you put your dream back in its cage. The reason you do that is because those toxic memories are just as real today as they were when you walked the halls of your high school. Let it out, turn it loose and let it lead you in the way that God created for you!! Yes, you are gifted, talented and one of a kind that God created for a special place in this world!!! THEY WERE WRONG then and THEY ARE WRONG now about you. Don't let anyone or anything hold you back.
"For by me thy days shall be multiplied, and the years of thy life shall be increased." (Proverbs 9:11 KJV)
Don't let someone else control your life when God has so much in store for you!!!
I Believe,
Scott L. Boatner