I was created in the image of God, I am fearfully and wonderfully made...(Psalm 139:14) I am complicated and emotional, spiritual and fleshly, compassionate and cynical all in the same moment!! I have a sinful nature that I received from my earthly parents, this nature enables me to commit sinful activities yet it is my unbelief that can send me to hell not my activities, I am Man!! Which comes first, the chicken or the egg, in this case no matter how good I am, I will never eradicate my sinful nature because it came first, for sure. It's a part of who and what I am. I must be born again by God's Spirit to enter the Eternal Kingdom of God!!! There are many snares set on the earth to trap me, pride, lust, greed, being judgmental of others, the list is endless, I am Man!! My human nature came equipped with a religious flare, I like to look down on others to make myself feel good, It could be my arrogance that will cause me to self destruct because I don't think the rules apply to me, I am Man!! (Hosea 4:6) It could be my lack of discipline that ultimately destroys me because I let my life get out of control. It is only by God's Grace that I can serve Him in a consistent manner. (1 Cor. 3:17) I must be humbled by brokenness, I must see my ways fail in order to know God's ways are higher and wiser than mine. As previously stated, the list of things that I can get into are endless because I am Man!! I must know Christ, I must be filled with the Holy Spirit and I must read the Word of God on a daily basis or my flesh will sway my spirit In the wrong direction. "This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would."(Galatians 5:17) I am Man, I judge others for being human but I seem to forget to judge myself. I am an amazing machine because I can completely overlook my sin but can give you an accurate detailed list of the sins of my brothers, sisters, friends and foe. I am Man, I am one of 7 billion on the planet that "He gave His only begotten Son" for "that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish". My only hope is that I know I've met Jesus, the perfect Man, my Savior and Healer. If you do not know Jesus, call on Him today or you will just be "Man" alone, lost and hopeless! "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."(Romans 10:13) Once you accept Christ, please understand that you need humility and Holy Spirit power or you will still just be "Man". An empty religious lifestyle is a poor imitation for a Spirit Filled Life!!! I am Man but I belong to God!!
I Believe,
Scott Boatner