The confidence we have will intimidate those that have no confidence and the intimidation, infuriates!! We feel things for a reason so search them out for answers!! Please don't run from or get mad at what you don't understand!!! We are intimidated when we lack confidence, it is then that we should seek to learn from our intimidators because they obviously know and possess something we don't.
"Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God;"(2 Corinthians 3:5)
Try a new approach to life and people!! Do you see clearly? What you see is your perception, is it correct? Has your perception been skewed by the words of others, if so you are not thinking for yourself!!!
At some point in the journey of life if you want confidence you with experience discomfort. If you cannot handle some discomfort then you cannot handle the challenges confidence will bring!!! So you will have to stay as you are, criticizing everyone that makes you uncomfortable for whatever reason!!
I Believe,
Pastor Scott L. Boatner