O' God of Great Mercy, God of Peace and Grace!! We boldly approach Your Throne by the Blood and Name of Jesus Christ!! Here we are Lord, desiring an outpouring of The Holy Ghost upon us from Heaven because we are a hurting, hungry and in desperate need of You!! When You created the earth, You wound it up like a clock, it seems to be winding down and Your Coming is at Hand!! At present the world is being ripped apart by never ending sickness, storms, corruption, hypocrisy, oppression, depression and the list goes on. I believe and I declare that even though Your people are tried by fire that we will be delivered from the fiery furnace without the smell of smoke. The lions are roaring all around but You have sent Your Angels to shut the mouth of the lions so they will do us no harm!!! In Your Word, You have promised an outpouring of Your Spirit on all flesh in the last days and we hunger for that at this moment. We thank You for all that You have done and are doing around the world but we are crying out for more of You. Let Your Glory rise up within us and settle down on us in our everyday life. Please go before us and make the crooked paths straight, heal us that we can be healing to others so our lives have less stress then we walk upright instead of bowed down!!! I am persuaded that You are able and willing to use us to change the world!! In the Name of Jesus, AMEN ...Lets lay down our personal differences, become one in Christ and change the world!!!
"For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him."(2 Chronicles 16:9)
I Believe,
Scott L. Boatner