Our Greatest Regret....
Our greatest regret will be the one we could've fixed but we let time slip away! It usually involves someone we were once very close too, but NOW they are gone. NOW you stand at the grave until the last prayer is prayed, the coffin is carefully lowered into the earth, the last shovel of dirt is placed and the dirt is nicely dressed. To the men that handle this task ever so gracefully it's another sacred moment finished. But to you, it begins a new era of life. You ask yourself how am I going to live with this all alone because that person on this one way street is gone from the life we shared in which you NOW reside, alone.
As they say "Life goes on" but not really???
NOW the words "I'm sorry" just sit like a heavy weight on your chest, a fog that lingers!!! The weight of this unique Fog has a smothering sensation because you never spoke those two simple words!!!... "I'm Sorry"......or let's talk it out all the way until it is done!!
The weight will not die with that person, it will just get heavier!! Forgiveness is actually for you, not them. If someone hurts you but they never acknowledge your pain, you have to just release them in your Spirit and push through the pain.
"Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad." (Proverbs 12:25 KJV)
I Believe,
Pastor Scott L. Boatner
#IBelieve #Now #Jesusforgivesdoyou #sleepwell #Psalm91
Scott Boatner
No Fear!!!
A messenger comes into the crowd with haste and says to the ruler of the synagogue;
"Thy daughter is dead, don't trouble the Master"
In a fraction of a second Jesus turns and says;
"Be not afraid, Only Believe."(Mark 5:36-37)
I Believe,
Pastor Scott L. Boatner
Scott Boatner
"Thy daughter is dead, don't trouble the Master"
In a fraction of a second Jesus turns and says;
"Be not afraid, Only Believe."(Mark 5:36-37)
I Believe,
Pastor Scott L. Boatner
Scott Boatner
NOW......the Word for 2021......
Every year I seek the Lord for a verse of scripture for the year!! A verse that we as a church and ministry family can read and agree on United as one!!! This year God didn't give me that special verse until today. It came in one word, NOW!! The word "NOW" has been in my SPIRIT for a few weeks but today God spoke it solid and strong to my SPIRIT!!
The word "NOW" is used in the Bible 1356 times in 1321 verses, Old and New Testament combined. The main verse that I feel led to use for our verse is;
"NOW FAITH IS the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."(Hebrews 11:1 KJV)
Our Faith is more powerful and real than we are aware at times. Our present trials can impair our vision depending on the variables and the factors that control those variables. This year, 2020, has been one of the most unique if not the most unique of my lifetime. It has been a trying year for most to the point that you can feel the heavy weight of the painful uncertainties that seem to have been unleashed in our country and the entire world.
John the Baptist Mother, Elisabeth, was barren but she and her husband, Zacharias had believed God for a baby. Unfortunately many years passed and still no baby but one day Zacharias was in the Temple of God fulfilling his duties as a Priest when an Angel appeared unto him.
"But the angel said unto him, Fear not, Zacharias: FOR THY PRAYER IS HEARD; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John." (Luke 1:13 KJV)
Even though the Angel said "Thy prayer is heard" Zacharias ask "How"? Zacharias and Elisabeth had agreed, prayed and believed somewhere in their past because the Angel said "thy prayer is heard"! However Zacharias allowed the time lapse from that moment of solid faith to cause him to question his faith and purpose. If God's Angel that stands in the Presence of God says "John" is coming, you better get the nursery ready. God pulled a prayer from the past into the "NOW" even though his "NOW" had some questions their prayer was anchored solid in the purpose of God.
God is about to pull the cry of your heart from days gone by into your "NOW"!
The Word for The Year of our Lord, 2021 is NOW!!! I ask all of you that read this to come into agreement with the God's House Church Family and Scott Boatner Ministries International on the word "NOW"! We are one Body in one Kingdom with one Faith so "NOW FAITH" is going to get real in 2021!
Today (12.31.2020) at 2:00 pm CST/MS/USA I received a phone call from the other side of the world. It was 3:00 am 1.1.2021 there because of the Time Zones. It was our God's House Lead Pastor, Josh Paul. He called to pray for us and me for them. I have received this same call every year since New Year's Eve 2010. It is not like all of the other conversations we have during the year because of its significance concerning the changing of the calendar date. Pastor Josh prays for us as we are about to transition from one year to the next in a few short hours and I pray for him as he has already made the transition in real time to the new year. It almost feels like time travel because our words travel in a split second even though he is hours ahead of me in a new calendar year and I am hours behind him still in the final hours of the old calendar year. But we are both in God's "NOW"!
NOW IS THE TIME TO STAND, BELIEVE and PROCLAIM the NOW WORD of God!! The Word of God is Eternal Spiritual Truth. It is not just a compilation of facts but it is TRUTH and there is no possible factor than can change it in any way!
"NOW unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us," (Ephesians 3:20 KJV)
"NOW" is a time of Blessing and Favor to enable us to fulfill all the purpose of God because the Coming of the Lord is at hand. Please make the necessary choices and commitment to get in line with God then STAY THE COURSE!!
"NOW" is a time of Blessing and Favor to enable us to fulfill all the purpose of God because the Coming of the Lord is at hand. Please make the necessary choices and commitment to get in line with God then STAY THE COURSE!!
I Believe,
Pastor Scott L. Boatner
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