What is done is done, so like sand falling through our fingers at the beach, we cannot possibly regain some things unless God Himself restores them to us!! Joseph the son of Israel (Jacob) was sold to a caravan of Midianites by his brothers as a teenager, put in irons and marched to Egypt then sold as a slave in the marketplace of the world!!! God delivered him from prison and exalted him to the highest office in the land, second only to Pharaoh. A famine in his home land forced his family to come to Egypt to get food. As the story goes they would end up staying in Egypt but when Israel (Jacob) died, Joseph ask Pharaoh for permission to go back home to the promised land to bury his daddy. They made the journey to Canaan to bury "The Father of the 12 Sons of Israel"! God changed Jacob's name to Israel after a night of wrestling and he became the Father of the 12 tribes of Israel!! Joseph made the journey, buried his father then returned to Egypt. You may wonder why he went back to Egypt? Why didn't he stay in his home land? It was where he grew up, where he had his childhood memories but the painful memories of being thrown in a pit BY HIS OWN, SOLD BY HIS OWN, was just too much so he returned to a place that he now felt at home. Yes he was sold as a slave in Egypt, mistreated, falsely accused, imprisoned but NOT by his OWN, so it didn't have the same impact of his earlier suffering at the hand of his OWN, that supposedly loved him!!! The first time Joseph saw his brothers after they sold him to the caravan headed to Egypt he had to go in private to HIDE AND WEEP!!! Many years had lapsed but his HURT WAS AS FRESH as if it were 5 minutes ago!!! Are you really any better after all this time?
TIME DOES'NT HEAL, it's just the method of measurement that we use to identify the distance back to when we were hurt!!! Jesus is our healer!!! Pain and hurt can travel through time at the speed of light so we must lean on Jesus to heal us, not look at the calendar nor the clock! Thinking time will heal us is just another religious myth but Jesus is not a myth, He is my Healer!!! Time may help bring some other things in your life to help occupy your time but it will never heal you!!!!
"The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all." (Psalms 34:18-19 KJV)
I Believe,
Scott L. Boatner
Preacher of the Gospel
"Help Us, Lord"
If you need help today, call on the one that can make a difference!!! Your circumstances are irrelevant to His Power to give rest to those that call on Him!!!!
"And Asa cried unto the Lord his God, and said, Lord, IT IS NOTHING WITH THEE TO HELP, whether with many, or with them that have no power: HELP US, O Lord our God; for we rest on thee, and in thy name we go against this multitude. O Lord, thou art our God; let not man prevail against thee." (2 Chronicles 14:11 KJV)
I Believe,
Scott L. Boatner
"And Asa cried unto the Lord his God, and said, Lord, IT IS NOTHING WITH THEE TO HELP, whether with many, or with them that have no power: HELP US, O Lord our God; for we rest on thee, and in thy name we go against this multitude. O Lord, thou art our God; let not man prevail against thee." (2 Chronicles 14:11 KJV)
I Believe,
Scott L. Boatner
Think first!!!!!
Just because you THINK you know someone or something doesn't mean you do, it just means you THINK you do!! Knowing and thinking are two totally different things...... The more we think before we speak, the less harm done to our family, friends and neighbors!!!
"An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour: but through knowledge shall the just be delivered."(Proverbs 11:9 KJV)
"Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge."(Proverbs 14:7 KJV)
I Believe,
Scott L. Boatner
"An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour: but through knowledge shall the just be delivered."(Proverbs 11:9 KJV)
"Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge."(Proverbs 14:7 KJV)
I Believe,
Scott L. Boatner
Weak and Weary today??
"And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me."
(2 Corinthians 12:9)
"I will glory in my weakness"! The areas of my life that I can't possibly fix, so I MUST lean on Jesus!!! I have no other choice because I just can't deal with this alone so I MUST LEAN ON JESUS!! But, WHAT ABOUT OUR STRENGTHS, the areas that we have under control, our gifts, our strong points, etc.... We have heard all of our lives that the devil hits us in our weak areas but Jesus has got those areas covered!!! According to this verse God's Strength is made Perfect our Weakness!!! What if we feel so confident about our strengths, that we are so passionate in our strong areas that we self-destruct because we will push ourselves past the breaking point since we excell in certain areas?!!! We OVER-COMPENSATE in our strengths to hide our weak areas? We certainly want everyone to see the good not the bad. I just wonder, just maybe, that sometimes our strengths because of this over-compensation factor, actually become our weakness. Jesus has already died for the world, so you don't have to die!!! Don't let you passion burn you out!!! Stay balanced and Stay Strong!!!
I Believe,
Scott L. Boatner
(2 Corinthians 12:9)
"I will glory in my weakness"! The areas of my life that I can't possibly fix, so I MUST lean on Jesus!!! I have no other choice because I just can't deal with this alone so I MUST LEAN ON JESUS!! But, WHAT ABOUT OUR STRENGTHS, the areas that we have under control, our gifts, our strong points, etc.... We have heard all of our lives that the devil hits us in our weak areas but Jesus has got those areas covered!!! According to this verse God's Strength is made Perfect our Weakness!!! What if we feel so confident about our strengths, that we are so passionate in our strong areas that we self-destruct because we will push ourselves past the breaking point since we excell in certain areas?!!! We OVER-COMPENSATE in our strengths to hide our weak areas? We certainly want everyone to see the good not the bad. I just wonder, just maybe, that sometimes our strengths because of this over-compensation factor, actually become our weakness. Jesus has already died for the world, so you don't have to die!!! Don't let you passion burn you out!!! Stay balanced and Stay Strong!!!
I Believe,
Scott L. Boatner
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