"They also that seek after my life lay snares for me: and they that seek my hurt speak mischievous things, and imagine deceits all the day long."(Psalm 38:12)
"Snares and Deceits". It must be sad to be a person that sits around thinking of ways to hurt other people. We Americians are accustomed to the phrase 911 because we were attacked by terriost on that day. It is forever etched in our minds! I will never forget that moment nor where I was that morning. I remember my thoughts, how could someone that has never even seen the people they so brutally murdered be so filled with hatred that they would die to kill perfect strangers!! It's totally insane, it can not be understood in our way of thinking. I've been to areas of the world that people will kill you for being a Christian and for simply preaching the Gospel. Someone dies every 3 minutes for the Gospel, 24/7, as we speak. Martyrdom for Christ is still as much a part of the Christian life as it has every been, that has not stopped, in many parts of the world!!!! It would be impossible to calculate the death of innocent people every day for no reason at all, not connected to the cause of Christ nor any cause for that matter, just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I've looked in the eyes of evil people that wanted to beat me to death for preaching the Gospel in their country. I could feel the demonic hate and a darkness that can be overwhelming except for the Grace of God. By the same token, I can't explain the peace I had as I survived and successfully served Jesus Christ in these circumstances for several days, I will never be the same. I find myself thinking about my next trip to such an area because there are great opportunities for Jesus, fields white unto harvest!! The above circumstances are shocking but there are other circumstances in the midst of the American Church that are far more outrageous than a terriost attack or martyrdom for Christ. I think Apostle Paul says it best; "For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. But if BITE AND DEVOUR ONE ANOTHER, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another. This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh."(Galations 5:14-16). The flesh controlling a "Christian" is an ugly site to behold. It's amazing how low people will stoop to justify their actions and avoid accepting any responsibility for those actions. David ran from King Saul for 10 years living in caves while the fleshly jealous Saul was brimming with hatred and jealousy against David. David was anointed with the amazing presence of God, something that most don't understand or may even fear due to ignorance of what it feels like. Sometime, fleshly, religious "christians" try to degrade what they don't understand because it makes them feel uncomfortable. Saul tried to destroy David because he had God's presence, something beyond Saul's grasp! The competition and criticism to advance personal religious agendas among so called "Christians" must be heart breaking to God. What's even sadder is the bad things they say and do to good people that brings a spirit of division in the greater Kingdom of God for the simple reason of justifying their own fleshly behavior. Truth is a Sword that divides but division by lies to justify fleshly religious actions is pathetic. The American Church has so much to offer the world, the fields are white unto harvest but "we chase mice while lions devour the land" (Leonard Ravenhill) or we simply devour ourselves thus hindering the work of God. Sad but True, please say "No" to verbal Christian abuse today, just be like Job and put your hand over your mouth. It is not wise to criticize people, things or experiences that you do not understand! If you don't want to commit, it would be best to just silently walk away.
Scott L. Boatner
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Scott Boatner