"The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit."(Psalm 34:18)
"Broken Hearts". As the sun rose on America today, the reality that we had hoped was a nightmare, we found out, of course, is a surreal reality. We are in shock, yet again from another natural disaster. A force of nature that is hard to protect yourself from and almost impossible to predict. Even in this day of technology there are many things we cannot protect ourselves from, natural disasters and the pain of losing our loved ones tragically without warning. Death is overwhelming but if the person you have to let go, is young and innocent, it's almost humanly impossible to process. There seems to be no answer to "Why". The entire human emotional spectrum is experienced from one end to the other. We experience, shock, sadness, anger, silence, depression, anxiety and feelings that have no names. As a Preacher of the Gospel, I feel so helpless during these times because all I can do is pray. Please don't mis-understand me, prayer is a biblical teaching that lets us know that we can talk directly to God. The church that I Pastor, God's House and the ministry that I direct, Scott Boatner Ministries International are praying for you that are in the struggle of your lives in Oklahoma. Although our ministries are based out of Mississippi, we are praying. We have family and friends in the area in the military and Native Americans. You are our fellow Americans and we are in God's family, which makes us family. It would be foolish to say we know how you feel because we don't, but we are sending you our love and prayers. May God be close to you during this time.
From Mississippi with Love,
Pastor Scott and Kari Boatner
Psalm 91
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Scott Boatner